About TE-OX
TE-OX has been founded in 2015 with the aim to develop new ultra-fast electronic components and devices based on oxide materials exhibiting Metal-Insulator Phase Transition..
The main activity of TE-OX is devoted to the modelling, simulation and manufacturing of new RF-switches based on VO2 and their integration on semiconducting platforms (Si, SiGe and GaN).
The main activity of TE-OX is devoted to the modelling, simulation and manufacturing of new RF-switches based on VO2 and their integration on semiconducting platforms (Si, SiGe and GaN).
We are a dynamic team, highly experienced in material science and in electromagnetic modeling, simulation and characterization, open for new challenges to find solutions for our customers.
Our TEAM is built from technical experts, mainly PhDs with strong expertise in Material Science, RF-components, Optics and electronics.
We strongly believe that our technology will push beyond the limits of the current communication systems and overcome the limitation of the semiconductors.
We strongly believe that our technology will push beyond the limits of the current communication systems and overcome the limitation of the semiconductors.
xxx PhD, Specialist of the thin films deposition. |